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About our counselor

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Our Counselor

Dave Crandall

You're probably familiar with the 10,000 hour principle. It states that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a subject. While no one can say they are an expert in human issues, according to this rule, Dave has mastered helping people overcome common struggles and take practical steps towards an abundant life. 


With over 35 years of counseling, life-coaching, and pastoral experience, Dave Crandall brings a unique blend of compassion, wisdom, and practicality to each client interaction. A natural lover of people, Dave is able to join clients in the “deep end” and impart positive emotions, practical ideas, and encouragement. His commitment to compassionate and straightforward honesty helps him to get to the heart of a matter quickly and chart a path toward lasting change with his clients. Before moving to Hendersonville, TN, in 2017, Dave served as a pastoral counselor in a suburb of Atlanta.


Dave has been married to his college sweetheart Magda for 34 years. Though empty-nesters, they still enjoy great relationships with their three adult children, three grandcats, and one granddog.  Dave enjoys a wide variety of music, sketching, SCUBA diving, watching stand-up comedy, and laughing with friends.


The Crandalls have lived in the suburbs of Miami, Atlanta, and now Nashville. Dave deeply understands the blessings and the curses facing modern suburban people and longs to help them enjoy an abundant life.

Gallatin Counselor, Dave Crandall
Dave Crandall, Christian Counselor
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  • B.S. in Occupational Therapy (Mental Health specialty)

  • M.Div. including coursework in pastoral counseling*

  • Member of The Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) 

  • Member of The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC)

  • Ordained and in good standing with the PCA - a conservative Bible-believing denomination.

  • Certified Coach 

  • Additional counseling training from Larry Crabb, Paul David Tripp, Tim Keller, David Powlison, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF)

  • 35-year ministry career serving families, couples, and individuals as they navigate the most difficult and painful seasons of their lives.


Completed Courses

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Introduction and Faith-based Applications for Christian Clients

  • Evidence-based Christian Counseling (Light University)

  • Targeting the Limbic System to Reverse Trauma’s Physiological Imprint

  • Transforming Trauma with Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT)

  • Dynamics of Biblical Change - David Powlison (CCEF)

  • Methods of Biblical Change - Paul David Tripp (CCEF)





* Like many states, Tennessee Law allows ordained individuals with an accredited master’s degree in theology to counsel others. The state classifies this as a form of ministry. To ensure that our clients receive the best possible care, we seek to use the best practices of licensed therapists including HIPPA requirements.

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The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. - Jesus (John10:10)

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