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Life is hard. And getting harder. 


Our overwhelming schedules leave little time to deal with troubling thoughts, emotions, and relationships. The list below reflects common problems that flow from our stress.


With over 35 years of experience, we specialize in helping people just like you THRIVE.  


Let us help you identify the root causes of your pain-points and help you discover practical and effective strategies for taking your next step towards a joyful and abundant life.


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  • Calming anxiety (Generalized or Specific)

  • Fighting depression

  • Controlling anger

  • Personal flourishing & Self Care

  • Overcoming loneliness

  • Thriving despite neglect

  • Becoming emotionally available

  • Shaking guilt and shame

  • Dealing with illness-related emotions  (cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, etc.)

  • Recovering from addictions                                  (sex, gambling, substance, internet, other.)

  • Divorce recovery

  • Finding purpose and meaning

  • Relief from Post Abortion Stress Syndrome

  • Breaking free from "people pleasing"

  • Managing stress

  • Finding contentment

  • Freedom from codependency

  • Dealing with same-sex attraction

  • Giving up perfectionism

  • Help for domestic abuse survivors 

  • Burned-out / overwhelmed / stressed

  • Regaining work/life balance

  • Regaining hope

  • Moving past failure

  • Forgiving those who’ve wronged you

  • Moving from grief to joy

  • Answering identity questions 

  • Moving from Self-loathing to Self-esteem

  • Finding "Mr/Mrs Right"

  • Managing your time & energy effectively

  • Enjoying relational boundaries

  • Overcoming worry

  • Postpartum depression / anxiety

  • Enjoying your personality

  • Adjusting to an “empty nest”

  • Creating a plan for retirement-life



Spiritual struggles

  • Recovering lost faith

  • Understanding the biblical view of suffering

  • Resting in God's shalom (peace)

  • Moving from guilt to righteous

  • Discerning God's will

  • Resolving doctrinal confusion

  • Recovering from ministry burnout

  • Healing for "church-burn" victims


 Young Woman Contemplating
White Chair in an Empty Room

We can help.

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Distanced Couple


  • Engagement / Pre-marital counseling

  • Improving communication & attachment

  • Resolving conflict

  • Increasing real intimacy

  • Recovering from marital infidelity

  • Forgiving each other

  • Marital tune-up

  • Falling in love again

  • Healthy relationships with the In-laws

  • The Big 3 - Sex, Money, Time

  • Addressing issues related to Infertility 



Work-Related Struggles

  • Balancing work, life, and family

  • Loving your work

  • Compassion fatigue (esp teachers and health care professionals)

  • Preventing burn-out

  • Finding your "calling"



Family Struggles

  • Reconciling family relationships

  • Successful single parenting

  • Calm disciplining

  • Blended family strategies

  • Positive parenting of teens

  • Working through parenting struggles

  • Coparenting with your ex

  • Parenting a LGBTQ+ child



Do you need some encouragement?

Read the Seven Benefits of Counseling

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“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

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